Thursday, November 3, 2011


I'm finally a "regular" at Starbucks.
I'm gonna get fat.
And broke.


Gillibean said...

WOw! Really nice sketch dump! Youve touched on a few different styles for observational drawing. its nioce to see the experimentation and variation. beautiful work =D

Sean McCormack said...

Dammit! Gillian is always a step before me on every blog I go to... I'll get you one of these days woman!

Aaaaaanyway, she's still right, brilliant sketch dump! I love seeing people trying different things! Looks great!

Sandra Loke said...

These are awesome hun. :)

Unknown said...

WHAAAA!>?!?! these are beautiful!!!

Marcos B. Alvarado said...

Sort-of stumbled onto your blog but I'm very glad I did. You have very nice work..energetic and appealing.
My favorite drawings in your post are the first and last one...Great work!

Alphonso Orozco said...

These are fabulous J9!

Janine Antolin said...

Thanks guys! I love looking at new innovative styles. I'm still in the process of finding my own unique style, but the exploration is definitely the best part! :)